CI2010 Narrative, New Media, and Gaming
Damiana Pyles
Fall 2021
MWF: 9-9:50
RCOE 134
(face masks are required during class sessions)
We will do our course in three different modules:
Visual and Audio Storytelling
Weeks 1-5
Board Games
Weeks 6-8
Video Games
Weeks 9-15
Course Description
This course addresses the ways in which we tell stories in the digital age. The stories that are told and the ways that we tell them are becoming increasingly complex, as emerging narratives in today's world enable interactivity, build community, and utilize social networks. Through exploring storytelling in social media, mobile contexts, and gaming, students in this course will experience a range of different narratives in many types of digital media, such as interactive online stories, podcasts, and video games. We examine forms of digital storytelling within media, marketing, and education, with opportunities for students to research, participate within, and to create original narratives as they share their own stories in a variety of media.
Required Texts
We have one required text, which is titled Hilda and the Troll, and it is available in print at the Appstate Bookstore. Also, having access to a Netflix account for our first week is required. All other required readings will be accessible via our Course Calendar.
Course Projects
Activities (20 points each, 200 points total)
Storytelling in Visuals (200 points)
Storytelling in Audio (200 points)
Storytelling in Board Games (200 points)
Video Game Review (200 points)
Storytelling in Video Games (200 points)
Goals of the Course
Differentiate various elements of storytelling in print and newer media
Distinguish various genres of digital and emerging media stories
Compare and contrast various adaptations of narratives
Reflect on their increasing conceptual understandings of digital storytelling through various online media.
Create and produce digital stories in a variety of media
Late work policy
Assignments are paced out to allow enough time to complete them. Unless noted, deadlines are on Fridays, by midnight the week they are due. We need deadlines to stay on track in class, but I understand that life happens sometimes. For this reason, all students get a one-time Extra Time token, no questions asked. To redeem this token, email me to let me know that you are going to use your token before the assignment deadline. At that time, we will negotiate the extension (3 days max). Tokens may not be used after the deadline, and they may be used only once for the semester.
Feedback on Projects
We will do leveled feedback for projects
Level 1: Rubric and Grade
Level 2: Detailed feedback, by request
Level 3: Meeting to discuss feedback, by request
Choose the feedback that works best for your learning
Hi! My name is Damiana Pyles. I have been teaching writing, media, and literacies for almost 20 years, and I live near Boone with my family and new puppy.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns by email Mondays through Fridays, 8am-5 pm, or set up a time to chat over Zoom during office hours, Mondays or Wednesdays, by appointment. Evening meeting times can be arranged as needed for office hours.
All students are welcome.
All students can learn!
COVID-19 and this course
Though we are all going back to school, there may be some issues around the pandemic that affect us in this class. We will be flexible during this time. These are difficult times, but we will get through the course together. If you are having any issues or you become ill, please let me know well in advance, so we can create a plan.
We will be wearing masks during class in observance of AppState's face coverings policy (see the policy here:
There are updates and other information here as well (
Inclusive Excellence
The Department of Curriculum and Instruction at Appalachian State University is committed to supporting our students and fostering an environment that is free of bias, discrimination, and harassment, in the classroom and in the broader university community. We are a faculty that strives to model reflection, advocacy, and care for community in order to work toward an equitable, democratic, and sustainable society. We value your participation in this process. If you feel that our courses, programs, or department fall short of this commitment, we encourage you to engage in dialogue with your instructor and/or other program faculty.
Please visit for information related to Appalachian State University's Title IX and for the most up-to-date policies on students with special needs, academic integrity, religious observances, and student engagement with courses.
Technologies we will use
AsULearn: Check it for announcements, turning in assignments, etc.
Google Documents: We will use Google documents for your Course Calendar and assignment prompts. Your assignments will be completed and turned in with Google Documents -- be sure to share so that anyone with link can edit.
Other media that we will use for this course are Netflix for streaming, audio software and Soundcloud, Google Slides or other infographic tools,and Wix or other website creation tools.
Other Appalachian State policies
Food Insecurity
Any student who has difficulty affording groceries or accessing sufficient food to eat every day, or who lacks a safe and stable place to live, and believes this may affect their performance in the course, is urged to contact the Dean of Students, 324 Plemmons Student Union, for a list of resources and support. The ASU Food Pantry and Free Store is a free resource with pantry and personal care items, located in the Office of Sustainability on the bottom floor of East Hall. Furthermore, please notify the professor if you are comfortable in doing so. This will enable him/her to assist you with finding the resources you may need.
Reporting Obligations
Appalachian State University is committed to maintaining a safe learning environment for all students, regardless of sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender expression, and gender identity. To meet this commitment, and to comply with state and federal laws, Appalachian faculty are required to formally report instances of interpersonal violence, such as sexual harassment, relationship violence, stalking, and retaliation, to the Office of Title IX Compliance. Those impacted by interpersonal violence will be provided support, resources, and applicable information. Please visit or call (828) 262-2144 for more information.
Attendance policy
Attendance in class is vital to your success in class. But, we are also in a continuing pandemic. Given our circumstances, attendance will not be a graded item in our class. This does not mean that you should not attend class.
If you have to miss class, check with a classmate first to see what you missed. If you have any questions, feel free to set up a time to meet with me after you've spoken with a classmate.
All deadlines must be met, even if you miss class, unless you can use an Extra Time Token (see Late Work Policy). If you must be out for an extended time, please contact me to set up a plan. Contact me to discuss, if you have to miss a deadline to discuss if this is possible.
If you start falling behind, please set up a time to meet with me to make a plan for success for you to continue in the class.
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