CI5630: Instructional Technology
Fall 2023
Online -- asynchronous (Thursdays, 6-8:40 reserved for group work or conferences, as needed)
Required Texts
There are no textbooks for this class. All readings and viewings will be posted for free on AsULearn.
Course Description
The course examines the impact and influence of traditional and emerging media and technology in how we interact with one another both personally and professionally. We will focus on how you, as teachers, will conceptualize media and technology and how you will integrate media and technology into your teaching in thoughtful and useful ways in your Middle Grades classroom.
The course will encourage consideration of the following questions: 1) What do media and technologies mean for our educators and students as people and as members of a local and global society?, and 2) How do we think of and use media and technology in our own teaching to help our students learn more effectively?
Course Projects
Given the complexity of these assignments, no feedback or comments will be given over email. If you have questions about your feedback, please make an appointment for office hours.
Teaching with Media Philosophy Statement (25% of course grade)
Using course readings as evidence, you will write a detailed and thoroughly developed teaching statement that discusses how they envision using media and/or technologies for teaching and learning in their own classrooms in our current context. This statement will both address the current instructional models explored during class, including both summaries and critiques of these models based on your own teaching and on your growing understanding about students as active, agentive learners. This multimedia statement will include a coherent argument based on research from the course in about 1,000 words. This Teaching with Media Philosophy Statement will be turned in as a Google document that is shared so that anyone with link can edit.
Integrating Technology for Teaching and Learning Lesson (25% of course grade)
For this final project, you will envision a specific class and set of students for whom you will create one detailed lesson using media and/or technology that meet their own content standards. This lesson is not a traditional lesson plan; it is far more detailed in how the media is integrated and the rationale for integrating the media for your own content and students. The lesson must integrate a robust, pedagogically-sound tool for teaching and learning, and the media/tool must be integrated fully either in a face-to-face, hybrid, or remote learning lesson (not as homework, introduction, reward, or assessment) and integrated for sound pedagogical reasons. will be turned in as a Google document that is shared so that anyone with link can edit.
Rough Drafts (25% of course grade)
All major assignments will have rough drafts that will get feedback from peers for peer review. Peer reviews will be completed in small teams on Flipgrid. I will also provide formative feedback on rough drafts in audio format , and final drafts will receive written feedback in the form of a rubric and grade.
Peer Reviews (25% of course grade)
Each rough draft will go through peer review, in which you will give feedback to your peers and you will receive feedback from your peers. These peer reviews will be graded. No late peer reviews will be accepted.
Late work policy
Assignments are paced out to allow enough time to complete them. Deadlines are on Sundays, by midnight, the week they are due. We need deadlines to stay on track in class, but I understand that life happens sometimes. For this reason, all students get a one-time Extra Time token, no questions asked. To redeem this token, email me to let me know that you are going to use your token before the assignment deadline. At that time, we will negotiate the extension (3 days max). Tokens may not be used after the deadline, and they may be used only once for the semester. No Extra Time tokens can be used for rough drafts, though, as your peers depend on your being on time.
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